ars electronica Collective video art installation
Kosmica Parliament is a series of performative events featuring the artistic community of Ars Electronica and their views about human activities in outer space. Inside a space capsule, artists will be welcome to give a performative statement about the errors of space exploration. This kaleidoscope of critical views will create the arena to collectively reflect on these issues and inspire new modes of human becoming in outer space.

EXHIBIT ars elettronica Linz – Postcity
CURATOR Miha Turšič
VIDEO ART Lea Brugnoli
FURTHER ARTISTS Anna Nazo // Changyeob Ok // Chris Welch // Eglė Pernarė // Lvis Mejía // Florian Voggeneder // Helin Ulas // Marianne Vieulès // Nicola Triscott // Nicole L’Huillier // Roland Fischer // Sarah Jane Pell // Stahl Stenslie // YaTang Hsu Yenyi Lee