“Dissolvenze” Video Mapping
Games of fading and transparency to look inside the buildings and to make a still image, a real show. Day and night effects of views and perspectives of the city inspired by Rome.

The idea starts from the research of the optical box, a re-design of the “New World”, where it is the spectator who originates, in a completely analog way, the fades.
This project is inspired by our series of installations “Digital Pre-cinema” that are dedicated to digitize, bringing back to life, the image games that made possible the discovery of cinema (“Riflessi”, created for RGB 2019, was part of it).

RGB is a ‘innovative experience of urban space that it allows you to show the city in a new light and, at the same time, a pole of artistic and cultural interest in highly contemporary sense and avant-garde, capable of attracting the interest of a wide audience of artists and professionals from Italy and abroad.
The festival is therefore a ‘at convergence it’s a’glocal experience to promote the area: with the ability to involve the local community and attract creative personality and active international reality, creates a favorable environment for the development of new networking networks and it helps to generate new artistic relationships between the city of Rome and its external.

ORGANIZER RGB Light Experience Rome
FURTHER ARTISTS Diego Repetto e Gianni Maroccolo // Hinrich Gross // Lea Brugnoli e Anna Torazza // Luca Cataldo // Luca Mauceri + MediaMash Studio // Quadro Quantico // Collettivo L4R // Flavia Tritto // Olga Tuzova // Simone Palma e Raffaele Settembre
CONCEPT Lea Brugnoli e Anna Torazza
SOUND DESIGN Andrea Spontoni